Weinberg staff met on the South Lawn of Norris for some refreshing food and drink, chill vibes and great company. Some took advantage of our photobooth!

Refreshing watermelon from Northwestern catering

Gazpacho shooters

Enjoying the sun on WSAB provided blankets.

Anita and Cecile (WSAB co-chairs) blowing bubbles

Karen (Chicago Field Studies) and Alex (WITS) have a conversation on the lawn.

Light-hearted game of cornhole.

Relaxing in the sun. Photo submitted by Natalia.

Talant (Linguistics) and Liza (Religious Studies) share a conversation in the shade

Lauryn (Psychology, WSAB Board member) prepares the lemonade stand for the photobooth

Cecile (Media and Design Studio) and Tia (Earth and Planetary Sciences)

Tory (Chemistry)

Ruth, Elyse and Ana (Chemistry) – Ana is also a WSAB Co-Chair!

Mike Satut (WITS)

Faith (Finance)

Karen, Anita and Sarah from Chicago Field Studies

The Psychology department, representing (Kylah, Jillian, Shelley, Tomeka, Jennifer and Abigail)

Lauryn (WSAB member) and Jeremiah

Sabrina (Research)

Rossi from Religious Studies and Quinn from the Dean’s Office (also WSAB Board members!)

Bianca (WCCIAS), Jen (WITS), Cecile (MADS)

Crystal (Finance) and Bianca (WCCIAS)

Chemistry department, having fun! (Chelsea, Kre, Rachel, Daniel, Ana)

Pam and Katherine from the Center for Native American Research

Natalia (Kapnick Business Institutions and former WSAB board member), is still very much involved in our community!

Kate (Dean’s Office and WSAB Secretary) enjoys her refreshing drink

As many people as we could fit in the closing minutes of the event