On November 6, 2023 a group gathered in Ryan Hall to pay their respects to newly departed love ones, and hear Malenis Holloway Nazario (Chemistry) share her story and delicious Tè de jengibre (ginger tea) for the 9th Farm to Fable Session.

Rooted in Christian traditions, it is not just “Day of the Dead” but a full week of observance and remembrance. This hybrid session was also not a somber affair – participants followed along over Zoom and the crowd enjoyed many traditional treats while Malenis shared lighthearted memories and even funny ones of a truck with an extremely powerful sound system leading crowds through the island. Malenis’ parents attended, and it was an honor to be able to see their expressions as they reacted to her memories of wonderful times spent with her uncle who had recently passed. The room was decorated with candles and pictures of those who were no longer with us, and attendees were encouraged to bring their own pictures.
It would not have been Farm to Fable without food, and in addition to the ginger tea, Malenis also served many of the treats that her family eats throughout the holiday week. Little iced “Maria” cookies and fresh bread with edam cheese were passed around through the room. But the thing that was not to be missed was the hot chocolate with a piece of cheese at the bottom for a delightfully creamy and salty finish. Additional Puerto Rican pastelillos and rice was catered by Marina’s Bistro in Chicago.