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Six Questions: Michelle Farra

Michelle Farra is the Undergraduate Program Assistant for Spanish and Portuguese. Read Michelle’s answers in the latest WSAB Six Questions!

The Six Questions:

How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role? 

I’ve been at NU for nearly three years (as of this coming April) and I am the undergraduate Program Assistant for the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

I really enjoy working on the various registration elements of the quarter cycle to ensure a smooth process for our students.  And I don’t want to brag, but I work with the most wonderful, supportive coworkers and faculty around!

What’s your secret talent?

I’d say that my most useful secret talent is my intuition and ability to predict needs before they arise. It would probably be more fun if I said that I could do the splits upside down or balance 40 champagne flutes on my chin while teetering on a yoga ball. But alas, I will just have to wow with my hunches!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Free time? What’s free time? Does playing NYT Games while I wait in parking lots for my kids count?! If not, then I love to try new restaurants and go back to old standbys, take long walks, watch documentaries, and snuggle with my family (when not sitting in aforementioned parking lots).

What is your perfect idea of a relaxing day?

A perfect relaxing day would start out with a long walk with a friend, a delicious bowl of homemade soup for lunch, reading an engaging book, playing board games with my family, and going out for a fantastic dinner. And if a massage or facial worked its way into the schedule, I wouldn’t be mad about it!

For people looking to try out something new (food, TV shows, places, etc.), what would you recommend?

The sundubu at Koko Table is just about the most delicious thing you can eat in Evanston! I also just started watching Severance, and I’m fairly intrigued thus far. And for you SNL fans out there, SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night is a fun look behind the scenes, especially the Ladies & Gentlemen… 50 Years of SNL Music episode.

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