Franny McNamara is a Program Assistant in the Department of Neurobiology, and SAB’s new Co-Chair. We asked her six questions.
How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role?
I’ve been at the university for about a year and a half. I am a Program Assistant in the Department of Neurobiology.
What’s your favorite part of the job?
Part of my role is coordinating events. It’s really satisfying to see an event I organized be executed successfully and enjoyed by our community. More generally, I also enjoy collaborating with and getting to know the many members of our department.
What’s your secret talent?
I am pretty good with photoshop. The photo I shared for this six questions and my headshot on the SAB website were taken the same day on the same background. One was edited to look like it was taken in a different location.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to be very active and I like doing absolutely nothing. On active days, I like to take long walks, hike when possible, bike, or play a sport like soccer or tennis. Other days, I am more of a homebody, and I spend my time reading or watching reality tv, sitcoms, or women’s soccer.
What is your perfect idea of a relaxing day?
Walking, hiking, or biking first thing in the morning followed by breakfast out at a diner.
For people looking to try out something new (food, TV shows, places, etc.), what would you recommend?
I lived on the West Coast for many years, and I can’t recommend visiting the Pacific Northwest and Northern California coast enough. The old growth forests you find there are so vibrant, quiet, and alive. They are a great place to connect with nature, enjoy solitude, and see unique trees and vegetation. I can specifically recommend Jedidiah Smith Redwoods, Redwoods National Park, McDonald Dunn Research Forest, and Humbug State Park. And honestly anything in the Oregon Coast Range.