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Six Questions: Matt Martin

A picture of Matt Martin standing on the sidewalk with his two year old.

Margaret Sagan reached out to Matt Martin, Business Coordinator for the Art Theory and Practice department, to ask six questions. Read on to learn more about Matt.


A picture of Matt Martin standing on the sidewalk with his two year old. How long have you been at the university and what’s your current …

Six Questions: Adam Wagner

an image of Adam Wagner in a scenic urban locale waving his hand while eating a chocolate ice cream cone

Anita Lukic sat down with Adam Wagner, Program Assistant 2 with the Department of Anthropology, to ask him six questions.


Adam Wagner holding an ice cream coneHow long have you been at the university and what’s your current role? 

Last May, I started as a

Six Questions: Jen Bivens

Anita Lukic sat down with Jen Bivens, Lead Business Analyst with WITS, to ask her six questions.

a headshot of Jen Bivens smiling in an office
How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role?

I’ve been a full-time employe

Cupid’s Workshop

On Valentine’s Day, Room 4670 at the Main Library was transformed into Cupid’s little workshop. While Frank Sinatra sang his classic tunes in the background – from Strangers in the Night to It Might As Well Be Spring – a