Margaret Sagan reached out to Michele McDonough, Assistant Chair of the Department of Molecular Biosciences, to ask six questions. Read on to learn more about Michele.
Margaret Sagan reached out to Michele McDonough, Assistant Chair of the Department of Molecular Biosciences, to ask six questions. Read on to learn more about Michele.
Anita Lukic sat down with Adam Wagner, Program Assistant 2 with the Department of Anthropology, to ask him six questions.
Last May, I started as a …
On Thursday, May 4, Weinberg staff gathered in the Guild Lounge to celebrate this year’s award winners, chosen by WSAB from an impressive slate of nominees. The large room was filled with sunlight, the tables were beautifully set with flowers, …
Anita Lukic sat down with Jen Bivens, Lead Business Analyst with WITS, to ask her six questions.
I’ve been a full-time employe…
As announced at the January FinAdmin Meeting, WSAB has revamped the grading rubrics for all nominations for the Dean’s Excellence Award, the Meteor Award, and the Community Excellence Awards. All nominations will be submitted as a single freeform text, and …
I am the program assistant for Latina and Latino Studies (LLSP). I had my one-year anniversary on Dec. 6, 2022. I am still a newbie and learning …
Weinberg staff gathered on December 15, 2022, at Smylie Brothers for the annual holiday party hosted by the Dean’s Office. While enjoying finger foods and grown-up drinks, everybody had a chance to take a break from end-of-the-year business and catch …
Christine Glass shared her story with a full house in the Kaplan Seminar Room on Tuesday November 15. Everyone got a chance to roll their own, and we chatted and ate our fill.
Please enjoy our photos:
In preparation for Halloween, Weinberg staff met in Harris 108 to decorate some pumpkins and listen to a creepy/campy Halloween playlist but unfortunately no one thought to take pictures of their masterpieces! (If you have one, please comment with a …