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Six Questions: Silvia Toledo

How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role? 

Silvia on a motorcycle with her dog Banksy on her shoulderI am the program assistant for Latina and Latino Studies (LLSP). I had my one-year anniversary on Dec. 6, 2022. I am still a newbie and learning a lot.  


What’s your favorite part of the job? 

I have a great network of support. Everyone is always willing to provide guidance or help whenever I have questions regarding my role at LLSP or anything else in Northwestern. I feel appreciated, and I feel how colleagues appreciate my work. I also love my daily interactions with students and faculty, and the great energy that emerges from intellectually stimulating conversations with people from so many diverse backgrounds. Joining WSAB has also helped grow this support even further and meet wonderful people from other departments. 


What’s your secret talent? 

Silvia, her partner and 3 dogsI don’t know if I have a secret talent. [laughs] I do know that I am very good with animals, especially with dogs. I have three dogs: Yoda a 15-year-old-Doxie, Nala a 9-year-old Doxie/Min-Pin mix, and Banksy a 4-year-old Border Collie whom you’ll see at our office from time to time. She loves coming to the office and making new friends everywhere she goes.  They all do, but usually only one of them visits the office at the time. So maybe my hidden talent is more like being the crazy dog lady at LLSP! Love it! 


What do you like to do in your free time? 

With three dogs, you must be somebody who enjoys the outdoors, and being active a lot. I love running! Bansky usually joins me on my regular runs and when I’m training for a race.  My husband and I also love going on hikes or riding our motorcycles. I ride my motorcycle to work whenever the weather permits. I have a long commute, so it helps me get ready to tackle the day before work and to decompress at the end of it. 

What is your perfect idea of a relaxing day? 

Starting the day with a nice cup of coffee and then going out into nature. I can’t sit still for too long, so long walks with the pooches or going for a run at the forest preserve are always fun and energizing. I also love spending time with my friends and family. 


For people looking to try out something new (food, TV shows, places, etc.), what would you recommend? 

My last big trip was to Portugal. And I was in awe. The people, the food, the places: everything was just so wonderful! We went to Madeira, an island in the Atlantic Ocean off the Portuguese coast and stayed in Funchal. The views from the island were just breathtaking. We would enjoy tropical weather on one end of it, and colder temperatures (even snow!) when we visited other sites. If you ever have a chance to go, please do! Visiting Cabo Girao and doing the Monte Toboggan Run are a must! There are a TON of other amazing sites to see and adventures to go on, but I cannot recommend it enough!  


Posted by cla9842 on

I really enjoyed this! Thank you.

Posted by Bianca on

Happy one year anniversary! Thanks for sharing with us!

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