Career Planning
Are you interested in learning about job opportunities available in Weinberg?
While each department is different in terms of the number and types of staff positions, you can make sense of the varying opportunities by reviewing the comprehensive Job Families chart provided by Human Resources. In addition, a list of current job openings within Weinberg College are available on the Open Positions page.
Are you interested in speaking to someone about your own career path?
A member of the Weinberg College Human Resources team can help define your career path options within Weinberg – set up an appointment today.
In November 2015, the SAB hosted an event with several hiring managers across the college who shared what they look for when they are hiring new staff for their teams. Take a look at the presentation.
Learning Opportunities
The Learning & Organization Development team offers a wide variety of workplace learning courses every quarter. From computer program training, to leadership and management programs, to workplace skills, there’s something for everyone. Keep an eye out for the quarterly catalog in the mail, and take a look at the current offerings online.
Want free, unlimited on-demand access to a full library of online courses? With your NetID and Password, log into, where you can learn at your own pace and access course content anytime, 24/7, from your University computer, personal computer, mobile device or tablet. Course topics include most major software programs as well as workplace skills like presentations, leadership and career development and new topics are added every week. Browse the current full library.
Don’t forget that educational assistance and tuition plans are available to Northwestern employees. Take a look at the available plans via the Office of Human Resources website.
SAB Professional Development Activities
See materials from the Weinberg Best Practices Forum, and other Professional Development activities here.