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Category: Staff Highlight

Six Questions: Lauren Carr

Lauren Carr is the Program Assistant for Global Health Studies

How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role? 

I am currently the Program Assistant for Global Health Studies, and I have been with Northwestern for

Six Questions: Michelle Farra

Michelle Farra is the Undergraduate Program Assistant for Spanish and Portuguese. Read Michelle’s answers in the latest WSAB Six Questions!

The Six Questions:

How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role? 

I’ve been at NU …

Six Questions: Bianca Jimenez

A photo of Bianca and her family standing on red rocks on a hiking trail in Sedona. They are surrounded by green trees, towering red and green striped cliffs, and a blue sky with wispy clouds.

Bianca Jimenez is the Associate Director,  WCCIAS,  International and Area Studies.  Read Biancas’s answers in the latest WSAB Six Questions!

A photo of Bianca and her family standing on red rocks on a hiking trail in Sedona. They are surrounded by green trees, towering red and green striped cliffs, and a blue sky with wispy clouds.
How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role?

This academic year begins my 18th year …

Six Questions: Patty FitzGibbons

Patty FitzGibbons is the Associate Director, Kapnick Center for Business Institutions. Get to know her by reading her answers to six questions.

A photo of Patty Fitzgibbons, a women with short brown hair with a white shirt and purple hat, standing in front of a stone wall with a tropical waterfall and lush green forest in the background. How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role?

I have been at Northwestern …

Six Questions: Quinn Leach

Quinn Leach is a Senior Program Coordinator and WSAB board member. Get to know our treasurer by reading his answers to six questions below.

How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role?

4.5 years, Senior …

Six Questions: Franny McNamara

Franny McNamara is a Program Assistant in the Department of Neurobiology, and SAB’s new Co-Chair. We asked her six questions.

A picture of Franny, a woman with shoulder length brown hair, standing in front of a brick wall smiling while wearing a white button down shirt shirt with illustrated sunglasses. This image is NOT photoshopped.How long have you been at the university and what’s your current role?

I’ve been at the university for about …

Show and Tell #1: Managing Student Workers

3 college students stand on an awards podium with medals around their necks as they flex.

The Active Learning Space room of Kresge Hall was the spot for the inaugural WSAB Show and Tell on December 14, focusing on all things student workers. After grabbing some lunch from Mount Everest, the audience settled in for …

2023 WSAB Award Winners

Weinberg Staff were out in full force celebrating the holidays and WSAB got into the spirit of giving with holding contests with prizes! The winners of Spy Games and our annual “Ugly” Sweater Contest were recognized at the WCAS Holiday …